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Early Preschool

In our early preschool program our mission is to provide a vibrant and nurturing environment that fosters creativity, curiosity, and a lifelong love of learning. With a curriculum thoughtfully designed for early preschoolers, we introduce your little ones to the magic of learning through play, interactive activities, and engaging lessons tailored to their developmental stages. We believe in supporting every child to grow at their own pace, ensuring they build the foundations for future academic success and personal growth.

Foundational Learning

Three year olds are naturally on the go, so they learn best by playing with toys relative to the subject being taught. Real life experiences will also help these children learn, such as counting how many steps we take to get to the door, sorting toys on the playground, counting pebbles or going on a shape hunt around the school. Children are encouraged to explore plastic letters and numbers and talk about their shape. Teachers will help the children name letters and numbers, point them out in the environment and when reading books. The children’s names and other words are seen in many areas of the room and they are talked about often.

Logic and Comprehension

The children will begin to complete simple 6-12 piece puzzles or more complex puzzles as they become ready for them. Lots of building materials involving gears and linking blocks are available for exploring. The children will have plenty of opportunities to explore their love for reading by looking at board books and listening to short stories (especially interactive ones) in a cozy inviting place.

Self Help Skills

The children are encouraged to practice independence by putting on jackets and clothing with adult help as needed. Adults foster independence by guiding the children during meal time to use utensils independently and practice good table manners.

Language and Cognitive Development

Adults ask questions and talk about the pictures with children when reading books to stimulate the children’s language and cognitive development. Many pictures are displayed where children can see and touch them including pictures of families. This helps bridge the connection between school and home and makes children feel comfortable in their school environment. Verbal communication is enforced through modeling and positive reinforcement when children make efforts to communicate their wants and needs.

Science and Nature

The children are encouraged to observe, talk and describe what they see. The garden area is available outdoors for children to help plant seeds, water plants and help gather our harvest! Children have opportunities to dig and play with soil, learning about their environment as they experience it authentically in the beautiful outdoors!

Art/Fine Motor

Fine motor skills are developed through coloring/scribbling with crayons. They are also beginning to use other supplies such as glue, paint and crayons within various art activities. Finger painting, easel painting w/brushes, watercolors, and other non-toxic simple art supplies are available. Activities that allow children to experience textures such as playdough, different fabrics and paper are also incorporated. Rice, sand and shaving cream are also used for tracing and playing.

Imagination Station

The children are encouraged to play and create in their own unique ways. Blocks (wood, shapes and large Legos), Dramatic Play such as dress up, play kitchen, dolls and doll houses are also available.

Outside Activities

The children will develop gross motor skills on a daily basis through outdoor activities. Throwing the ball and catching, games like follow the leader, a mini obstacle course, ride on toys and a toddler slide for climbing are just a few of the activities that will encourage balance and coordination. Swings are also available for enjoying a fun ride in the sunshine!

Two & Three Year Old Content Objectives

Early Preschool Class Schedules