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Two & Three Year Old Content Objectives


  • Number recognition from 1-5
  • Can count to 10, practice counting to 20
  • Matches colors, shapes, real objects to outlines
  • Understands "one" of an object and "two" of an object
  • Understands that by increasing quantity you are enlarging the size
  • Sorting simple shapes (square, circle, etc)
  • Orders objects by size
  • Informally identifies measurements (length, weight, speed etc) with vocabulary such as "short" or "tall", "heavy" or "light", "fast" or "slow"
  • Understands similar and different
  • Can sequence with nesting cups or stacking rings
  • Begins to demonstrate one to one correspondence
  • Begins to understand concepts of time
  • Uses positional words (behind, above, below, under, over, on, inside, outside)
  • Recognizes shapes: circle. square, triangle, rectangle, heart
  • Introduction to oval, rhombus, hexagon, crescent
  • Introduction to 3-d shapes: cube, cylinder, sphere
  • Introduction to simple one-two patterns (Ex. red, blue, red, blue; circle, triangle, circle, triangle)
  • Introduction to basic graphs

Language/ Phonemics

  • Describes self/actions in words. (I have brown hair, I can run fast)
  • Says first name
  • Communicates needs and wants.
  • Begins understanding and performing two step requests (Come to the carpet and sit down).
  • Begins to identify nouns (familiar places, routines, people or objects)
  • Engages in conversation with other children
  • Recites familiar phrases in nursery rhymes and/or songs & finger plays.
  • Participates in reading familiar parts of stories.
  • Uses 4 words in a sentence
  • Speech can be easily understood 75% of the time
  • Is familiar with A-B-C song and begins to sing it
  • Can isolate the first sound of a spoken word (d-d-dog)
  • Introduction to rhyming words
  • Recognizes name
  • Recognizes familiar environmental print (stop sign, HEB etc)
  • Looks at books and inspects pictures
  • Holds book right side up
  • Emerging recognition of letters in common nouns (Example: first letter in name)
  • Introduction to letter to word association (Example: “A is for apple”)
  • Begins to identify letters in environmental print (S in a stop sign)

Social Studies

  • Interacts with other children
  • Begins to demonstrate social skills such as sharing, taking turns or showing compassions to friends in need, hurt or angry (Example: hugging, comfort object, pat, etc)
  • Begins to label feelings (Example: “I’m sad” or “She’s scared”)
  • Imitates peers and/or caregivers
  • Identifies places (Example: bathroom, school, home, playground)
  • Emerging understanding of community helpers
  • Emerging understanding of respecting/properly handling materials, supplies and toys

Fine Motor

  • Build block towers up to 9
  • Uses eating utensils
  • Holds book right side up and turn pages left to right
  • Can string 1/2” beads
  • Put on easy clothes
  • Drinks from an open cup
  • Tear paper
  • Put together simple puzzles and fit objects together by pressing or turning
  • Introduction to simple tools such as safety scissors


  • Identifies colors
  • Identifies body parts/facial recognition
  • Begins to understand and gather information by using all five senses (smelling, tasting, hearing, touching and seeing)
  • Begins simple categorizing (Example: cats and dogs are animals)
  • Identifies simple plants and animals
  • Observes and discusses changes in weather
  • Experiments with new things to see how they work
  • Compares Earth materials (rocks, leaves, branches, soil, flowers, roots, water)


  • Can draw horizontal, vertical & diagonal lines
  • Can draw circles
  • Can hold crayon with thumb and fingers
  • Can physically cross midline (touch opposite side of the body with hand or foot)
  • Emerging understanding of writing formats such as “my name” or “a letter”
  • Emerging understanding of writing vs. drawing