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In preschool the students are learning the routines and structure of school, while engaging in fun, hands on learning activities. This highly curious age allows for an enriching, play based curriculum focusing on Science, Social Studies, Math and Language Arts. Circle time is incorporated daily, which is a fun time to learn through song and listen to stories. Fine motor practice and phonemic awareness activities are part of our regular routine and help build the foundation for strong reading and writing skills as they grow!

Academics & Activites

Academics & Activites

Language Arts

Plastic and foam letters are available for free use during choice time. Teachers will encourage children to talk about letters and help the children learn their names and letter sounds. The children begin building knowledge of letter combinations to begin creating words and matching sounds with pictures and objects around the room.

We focus strongly on phonemic awareness, which is the understanding of sounds in words. Rhyming, blending sounds, identifying beginning sounds, and segmenting words are all phonemic skills we focus on that build the foundation of reading readiness.


Children are free to draw or write in a way that is enjoyable to them. Children are encouraged to copy letters, draw random letters they know, or start associating letters with sounds based on their ability level. Adults scaffold students learning by prompting and assisting children as needed. Proper tri-grip is encouraged and beginning handwriting skills are introduced.


Children are given multiple opportunities to explore quantity through real-life experiences, such as passing out forks during lunch or counting their friends place in line. Many types of manipulatives are also available for students to use when exploring shapes, patterning, counting and sorting. They are also introduced to using balances to explore weight and will start comparing heavier and lighter objects. Measurement is introduced using different mediums such as teddy bear counters, paper clips, and blocks. The children are also beginning to use manipulatives to explore addition and subtraction.

Science & Nature

Our organic garden is a huge part of our science curriculum. The children get many opportunities to plant seeds, water, harvest, and pull grasses to help maintain the garden. They learn about how insects can be helpful and sometimes harmful. They also learn about how organic materials break down and nourish the soil for new plants through composting.

In addition to gardening, the children participate in hands on science experiments which are not only educational but also fun!


Art activities are incorporated multiple times during the week to encourage children to explore different materials such as crayons, markers, watercolors, paint, clay and Earth materials. Art is used as a means of self expression while connecting projects to our weekly curriculum focus.


We offer many special enrichment opportunities such as art, cooking, music and Spanish classes. Field trips are offered once a year for our 4 year old classes. We also love to invite special guests and presenters  throughout the year such as child authors, community helpers, entertainers and other age appropriate educational presenters.

Other fun onsite activities include special activity days such as field day, circus day and seasonal parades! Additionally, we partner with extra curricular organizations that provide sports, music lessons, martial arts and more!

Imagination Station

Children are encouraged to play and create in their own unique ways, exploring a variety of exciting activities such as blocks (wooden, shapes, and large Legos), Dramatic Play (including dress-up, play kitchen, dolls and dollhouses), cash register/store, and felt board play.

Outside Activities

Children were built for the outdoors! Extensive opportunities are provided for fun on the playground, digging in the sand box or the dirt, splashing in the water and making mud pies! Our students love utilizing all of the outdoor play and learning materials we have to offer!

With the authentic outdoor learning approach we provide, children have the opportunity to interact directly with their environment. Our teachers love to teach many concepts outdoors, where children can explore learning objectives in a hands on, real world way!


Music time will be part of the daily routine where children are encouraged to dance, sing. and play rhythm instruments. Songs with rhyme and silly words are used to encourage children to hear and distinguish language patterns.

Animal Interaction

There is definitely a lot to learn at the farm. Our children are discovering just how connected our lives our with these animals. While we are taking care of them, they too take care of us. We collect milk from our goats, we collect eggs from the chickens, we use manure as fertilizer!  The magic of life is constantly around us as we regularly welcome the addition of new babies to the barn yard! There’s always a new season and a new lesson to learn, which is one thing that makes our school so special!

Preschool Class Schedules