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One Year Old Developmental Guidelines

One Year Old's learn through playing, hands on experiences and language in their environment. Instruction in a young toddler class should involve engaging interactions through the activities/actions listed in the developmental domains below.

Self Regulation/

  • Communicate verbally and through sign language
  • Show pictures and introduce simple words
  • Acknowledge children when they communicate right away
  • Respond warmly when children are having big emotions and acknowledge feelings
  • When children hurt others, communicate: hitting hurts, soft hands
  • Talk to children about upcoming transitions/activities (“I’m changing Michael right now, you will be next Marie”; “You have a dirty face Johnny, I’m going to need to wipe your nose”)
  • Use a comfort object for security such as a blanket or toy when feeling stressed or upset
  • Comfort right away when distressed
  • Label and name appropriate touch (give hugs, hold hands, give space)

Cognitive Development


Sensory activities including: textures, hard/soft, touching others kindly with soft hands.

Making Music

Using objects to make noise; instruments-loud/quiet (incorporate positional words-shake up high/down low, shake to the side, in front, behind)


Playing with toys in different motion-rocking, sliding, balancing

Engage & Play

Play interactively with the children

Positive Affirmation

Lots of praise for learning new desirable behaviors and positive interactions with friends.

Sand/Water Table

Cups, scoops, sifters etc. are great for exploring sand, water and colored rice bins.

Problem Solving

  • Crawl into, around, and over obstacles
  • Nesting cups
  • Taking objects out of containers & put back in
  • Play Peek a Boo
  • Encourage trading toys
  • Encourage signing to communicate need

Imitation/Make Believe

  • Imitate actions of adults; waving “bye-bye”, brushing hair, play games and do finger plays where children can imitate actions -itsy bitsy spider, head shoulders knees and toes
  • Play with toys as they were intended (pretend to drink out of a cup, pretend to talk on a phone)
  • Pretend to feed doll or stuffed animal


  • Look for hidden objects
  • Talk about familiar teachers or friends when not present
  • Re-read familiar stories/rhymes
  • Play games involving memory
  • Display pictures of familiar people
  • Look for a familiar object when its not in its normal place (Keep things in consistent places so children can remember where things are kept)
  • Comment when someone remembers who something belongs to (“Those are Rose’s shoes”)
  • Show pictures of animals and encourage the child to make the animal sound.
  • Go to the correct location for a given activity (sink to wash hands, changing table for diaper)
  • Recognize and name people/animals
  • Use familiar phrases (“Be right back” “See you later”)
  • Sing familiar songs over and over
  • Encourage children to repeat a familiar word or phrase in a favorite book or song.

Main Theme Topics

Animals (Farm, Zoo, Domestic), Insects (spider, ant, fly), Things that go (Airplane, Boat, Car, Train), Fruits and Veggies (Banana, Apple, Carrot, Beans), Families, Clothing, Body Parts